Clean Up Australia Day 2024 
Expression of Interest
The last date to submit an EOI is Friday the 2nd of February.
This will ensure that we have enough time to send out clean up kits and promote the event. 
Please enter your details below
What is the name of your OzFish Chapter?
Date of clean up 
(Clean Up Australia Day is Sunday 3rd March, but the event can occur any suitable date)
Time of clean up 
Closest waterway 
Street/Road of clean up meeting place
Please add any other additional information to help attendees find location.
How many participants do you expect at your clean up? 
We will send clean up kits according to this number.
Brief description of waste type and location 
Should attendees bring anything? 
Consider if the clean up is land based or also includes on water.
Do you have a list of stakeholders that might be interested in attending that we can invite? 
Please include contact details if known.